1. Inquire for the understanding of information and risks that may arise before consenting or refusing to undergo medical examinations or treatment.
2. Provide accurate and comprehensive healthcare information and medical facts to healthcare professionals during the medical treatment process.
3. Collaborate and follow the advice of healthcare professionals regarding medical treatment. In cases where it’s not feasible to follow, inform the healthcare professional.
4. Cooperate and abide by the regulations of the healthcare facility.
5. Interact with healthcare professionals, other patients, and visitors with respect, dignity, and refrain from disturbing others.
6. Notify healthcare facility staff of their entitlement to medical treatment with evidence they possess.
7. Patients should acknowledge the following medical facts.
7.1 Healthcare professionals performing duties in accordance with standards and ethics are protected by law and have the right to protection from unfair allegations.
7.2 Medical practice refers to current medical practices that have been scientifically proven, at that time, to be more beneficial than harmful to patients.
7.3 The medical practice cannot guarantee a diagnosis, prevent, or provide a cure for every disease or condition.
7.4 All forms of healthcare treatments carry inherent risks, and unforeseen circumstances may arise, despite healthcare professionals exercising due caution according to the conditions and practices of the medical treatment.
7.5 Screening, diagnosis, and disease treatment may produce errors due to limitations in the technology used and uncontrollable environmental factors, which do not meet the standard work practices.
7.6 Healthcare professionals have the right to exercise discretion in choosing medical treatments based on medical knowledge, abilities, limitations, as well as considerations for the overall benefit and rights of the patient, including consultation or referrals.
7.7 For the benefit of the patient, healthcare professionals may recommend or refer patients for appropriate treatment, provided the patient is not in an emergency situation requiring urgent and life-threatening care.
7.8 Concealment of medical health information and medical facts by the patient to healthcare professionals can negatively impact the medical treatment process.
7.9 Emergency rooms in healthcare facilities are reserved for patients in urgent and life-threatening emergency situations.